Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Glucose Tolerence Test... = FML!

Last week i had to take the one hour glucose tolerence test. The drink was fairly tolerable.. It was 50 grams of pure sugar and tasted like very sweet flat orange soda. I think the fact that it was cold made it a little better. Well anyway, i was able to keep that down and had my blood draw and hour later. Results came back monday and my sugar levels were high! norm was 140 i was at 197... eek!

that being said, i had to subject myself to a little more torture that is known as the 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I went in today and had to drink a very warm, lemon lime flavored 100 gram bottle of this crap! i kept it down for an hour and threw the rest up! that was by far the worst, most grossest thing i've ever experienced.

I am ofcourse nervous to hear the results as i really do not wish to have Gestational Diabetes and keep a strict diet but i know i'll have to for the health of my baby girl!  i really hope i never have to do this crappy test again today marked the single worst day of my pregnancy!

on a happier note, i did manage to get a sympathy ultrasound out of them just so i can see my baby girl for putting up with the hell for 4 hours! well she looks absolutely perfect... Measuring right on schedule at 24 weeks.. weighing 1 lb 5oz.. hehe... she is head down and we figured out that all those kicks and flicks ive been feeling have been her legs and feet jabbing me! i am so in love with her already!

I have a 3D/4D ultrasound booked for this weekend as a birthday present from my dear husband so hopefully we get to see some awesome pictures of my baby! cheeks and all!! i am so excited!!!

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