Tuesday, September 13, 2011

baby got showered...

My baby shower was this weekend, 9/11/11. an odd date to celebrate but it was amazing. I really had the best time. 24 people (myself included) attended, the food was fabulous, the conversations were interesting and it was just an all around good time. We had a few contests and prizes and i had an amazing cake! Olivia got showered with more gifts than i ever expected since majority of the items were sent to the house. We have our crib, changing table, swing, pack n' play, set up already. Olivia has more clothes than i can count (and make room for!) we went to babies r us after the shower to buy out our registry of the things we didnt receive... We got our sheets and bumpers, mattress, pacifiers, sheet savers, wipes, toys teethers and rattles, diaper genie, lotions and creams, and of course, the most important purchase was our glider which i am so excited to receive and have arthur put together! our "nursery" is jam packed with baby things and i cannot imagine unpacking everything and sorting through it all and putting everything in its final place once everything is washed. Needless to say, this little princess is already loved beyond words!

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